should I be fasting after a flush?
Thankyou for responding to my post. Still twiching and itchy all over? but I suppose it is less than it was. Just the ichy is new.
should I be fasting after a flush? I used Dr Clarks recipe. I don't want to flush again right now until this has stopped but I want to avoid it next time.
I have been really ill for over a year and the only thing that has helped is flushing my liver. Well I have been flabber gasted! as to the wonder of flushing. The fact that noone has heard of it. I have to tell you I'm from Liverpool, England. I don't have to take 2 omeprazole every day just so I can eat. I was diagnosed with IBS and they offerd me more drugs. Saying they might work. So I was able to say NO THANKS I'm better now (almost)
I told the specalist about the flush. She said mmmm- interesting!
I looked at the people in the waiting room as I left and I thought .Well you know what I thought. If only the medical people would look at this (as a cure)!!!!
My other Dr has written a paper on the flushing I have done!
But didn't analise the stones.
I will look for the supplements that was recomended
Any information about the toxins would be great.
Thanks Julie