I was diagnosed with gh in may of this year. Since that time I have had one serious ob which was the first one and then three reoccuring ob's. I took Valtrex the first time and it cleared it up beautifully then I took acyclovir and I wasn't too impressed so the next time I went back to the valtrex and it cleared it up very quickly again. As soon as I came off the medicine I immediately had another ob. This one being the worst since the first. I had several blisters, swollen lymph nodes, vaginal cyst and a place in my mouth. I went right back on the valtrex and it is clearing up but I'm not so sure I understand as to why it keeps coming back so soon. I also have not been able to enjoy sex since I was diagnosed. I end up being very sore at the bottom portion of my vaginal opening. This causes much discomfort during and after sex. If anyone has any ideas or explanations please share since I am a newbie at this.