Re: Re-post. "Basics Program". Products
Hi Beth: Yeah, I've tried Schulze, Clark and all the rest of them. There IS a difference. Barefoots products perform at a higher level. The only products of Schulze that performed well for me was his detox tea. I lived on that stuff for a few years. It works but you have to drink a lot of it. A little honey makes it tolerable.
But I never had that good of results with anything else Schulze makes. Thats not to say others didn't or won't. His colon cleans makes me sick, his superfood gives me a lump in my throat, feels like I'm choking and his liver/gallbladder/anti parasite formula, well, I didn't see any results from that.
Clarks anti-parasite products stopped working for me last Fall. I discovered Barefoot in Jan or Feb and I was very pleasantly surprised how effective they are, especially his DeWomer and liver/galbladder balance formula.
MH has a post right above this I believe, read it over, he explains the how and why of his formulas better than I can. Doc Sutter