EPO warning...
A common woman's problem, PMS, is usually caused by high
estrogen to progesterone ratio; the estrogen level may not be high
in absolute value but is high relative to progesterone. The common
symptoms of PMS such as mood swings,
Depression and bloating are
all signs of estrogen dominance. Evening Primrose oil, which
contains estrogenic activity, is a popular supplement for PMS
sufferers. It offers quick relief for PMS symptoms but long term
use may aggrevate the problems. Most people don't realize this. A
PMS sufferer who had been taking evening primrose oil for 4 years
came to see me. Her thighs were swollen with water retention due to
excessive estrogens. After I told her to stop taking evening
primrose oil in addition to taking Chinese Bitters, her swollen
thighs became normal in about a month's time."