I'm a 35 year old female and mother. I'm severely constipated and/or impacted and I don't know what else to do and not to sound like a wimp, but I'm scared! I've always been regular up until about 2 weeks ago and I started having very small skinny ribbon-like stools about 4-6 times a day. Then, about a week ago, I started having a little diahrea and pain. The pain just kept gettting worse and worse and I have tried Milk of Magnesia, Miralax (2-3x a day) for several days now. I even went in to the ER about 4 days ago and they gave me Magnesium Citrate. I vomited up the first bottle and so my husband went and got another bottle the next day and I took it and it did nothing but give me severe cramps. I have to still be a mom to the kids and I feel too deathly sick that I can't get out of bed and my stomach is killing me. I think my husband thinks I'm being a big baby....I don't know what to do and I don't feel well enough right now to sit here and read all the old messages. I feel extremely toxic and miserable and don't know how I can go on. If someone could please, please, please tell me what I can do to help I would so be so greatfully thankful!!!!!!!!!!