Re: Many Catholic Vegetarians believe they are
following Jesus' nonviolent diet
Succulent meals pass through your mind?
Jesus materialized processed fish (but not "innocent" ones, only the guilty)?
You are better than other people? (why, because you have more humilty than others?).
A lady nursed a misquito and Danny Devito protects insect life.
Do you read the posts you write? Maybe you didn't notice...
"One Catholic seminarian experimented with pot once.. and his perceptions slowed down. The chicken leg he was gnawing on became the leg of a chicken. That day he stopped eating meat and stopped smoking pot".
(he was smoking?...POT...this is not good).
It SLOWED his perceptions?, it DISTORTS perceptions, yet this pot smoking seminarian remains perfectly credible to you.
Some people would even feel self-conscious bragging about a pot smoking seminarian, but you're too good for that because you are NOT A HYPOCRITE, you're only a VICTIM that falls prey to "succulent meals" that pass in front of your mind (full of fragrant roasted chickens and various sausages)?.
The Lord did not "inflict" humanity with succulent meals and multitudes of temptations, we are supposed to ENJOY "fragrant roasted chickens and various sausages". Stop making excuses for wanting to enjoy what The Lord provided (He is a good provider). 1 Timothy 4:4 and 5 says "For EVERYTHING created by God is GOOD, and NOTHING is to be rejected if it is recieved with thanksgiving; for then it is CONSECRATED by the word of God and prayer" (thank Him for the succulent meals).
Wars, crime, hatred, etc. (all forms of injustice and evil) are products of MANKIND, but EVERYTHING that God put on this earth is GOOD.
Satan is also called the god of confusion (master of confusion) because he will cause confusion in the MIND and all that we believe. You are believing too many things and have many thoughts in your mind (confusion). Keep your mind on the good things of The Lord ONLY.
If you read the Catholic bible, you might not have the book of Timothy, so I'll put a link at the bottom so you can look it up. I use the Revised Standard Version of the bible (RSV).
In the search box at the top of that page (it says "BIBLE SEARCH") put FOR THEN IT IS CONSECRATED and press enter. (RSV).