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Detoxified Iodine: dropper amount: Atomidine
teacup Views: 5,309
Published: 18 y

Detoxified Iodine: dropper amount: Atomidine

Detoxified Iodine from Phil Thomas in the
1/2 ounce bottle. One drop is about 220 mcg.

Presently using 9 drops twice a day and
had not felt anything so decide to ask
just how much is in a drop.

Mr, Thomas also stated the following.

If you are referring to the Atomidine which
is sold commercially it may be as much as
8oo mcg per drop as the 2 oz. Bottle has a
dropper which is about twice the size of the
bottle I use. Either way you can’t compare
the two as Atomidine is Iodine tri-chloride
and aside from the chlorine being three times
the amount of the Iodine (tri = 3) there’s no
way of knowing if the product is transmuted,
and if so what process it may have gone through.
I would try putting a drop or two on the skin to
see how quickly the color disappears, as this will
tell you if the body is absorbing it.

Needless to say am confused thought had purchased
the best iodine available. If so not sure can afford
to use enough to be of benefit should one switch to




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