thanks so much for the added information. i think you have me right on the money i am obsessed over everything, either one extreme or the other but i'm learning...i didn't get to start my fast yet, actually i got through on day which was ok then work asked me to cover a lot of shifts, and i work in a busy bar as a bartender, and didn't think that it would be wise to start my detox. i did however keep all raw, mostly fruit though and juices. so when i start i will not be adding salt, lol i can't even believe i considered it i so knew better, i will not be working out as i'm sure my job will be hard enough, and i will def not weigh myself. all i need is for one day to not lose any weight or god forbid gain a pound for some reason like water weight, and flip out. please feel free to keep sending me some advice or if you just want to talk.
lol i know chicken is ok for you. i was just making it a point in my previous message to note that i went on several different "diets" or styles of eating if you will =) eat your chicken girl