Re: running, running, running and can't lose???
It really doesn't matter how intensely you run. The time you spend is more important when burning fat. Anything before 40 minutes is mostly burning off glucose. After 40 minutes you burn a higher % of fat calories.
So knowing this I just walk 5 miles briskly. Less wear and tear on the body also. In a little over a month I have lost about 10
pounds of solid fat!
I also cut down on bad carbs like candy, white rice, noodles and french fries. I still will eat a big hamburger for lunch but I won't drink a soft drink or eat the fries. When I get home and feel a little hungry I just eat a tomato or something light and go walking instead of stuffing my face. Then I eat a sensible dinner. Everytime I eat I try to take 3 capsules of Kirkland fish oil. Just get an Ipod or miniature MP3 player.
I generally walk at least 40 minutes (2 to 2 1/2 miles) away from my house up hill. Then walk back. I vary the routes so I won't get bored.
If you really want to burn off fat quick and feel up to it. Find a steep hill after 40 minutes of walking. Sprint up it 50 yards then walk back down. Repeat 7 or so times. Don't run down hill as you will injure your knees.