New member here-some general questions
Hi everyone-
I'm sure you see plenty of these type emails, sorry, here's another one.
I was just diagnosed with fatty liver. My liver enzymes are elevated, 45 and 60. I'm about 70
pounds overweight. I have choleretic diarrhea (have no gallbladder, removed years ago after losing a bunch of weight). Some esophagitis and a small hiatal hernia. No diabetes, and my cholesterol was 103 a year ago. There are other things going on, but I guess that's the basic situation.
I've never done any sort of flush. About a year ago, I had a colonoscopy and endoscopy.
I'll admit, I'm a bit afraid of these cleanses. But if I decided to one, say this upcoming weekend, what should I start with? I can spend the weekend at home if needed, no kids to deal with.
Please give me your thoughts, or direct me to somewhere else.