I havenot read all your past posts but I know how frustrating you must find this. Not sure if you did the Foundational cleanse of schulzes to see what regularity you can get? but you can still do that with using the liver flush drink. Dr s. said his bowels took 10 yrs to get right - not trying to put you off they are his exact words.
Dr.S has the strongest liver formulas/teas, but it is a matter of finding the right routine to suit you. Dont stick to EXactly what he says read between the lines a bit as there is no one cure for everyone. I met the guy and he has expressed that.
His #1 is the only one that will strengthen the intesinal muscle even if you find yourself needing th eloo more. but take a few breaks when doing long term cleanses.
I had to take up to 50 pills in one go just to get some action, now I am down to 2-4 a night depending on what cleansing I am doing.