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Re: could someone please help me?

Lugol’s Iodine Free S&H
J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Restore lost reserves.

Dr. Clark Shop
Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Published: 18 y
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Re: could someone please help me?

The SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) certainly takes some getting used to. Yet here are a few things that
have worked for me and others:

-The type of salt;celtic grey and redmonds are mellower , be sure you are not
just using regular seas salt. Grey and Redmonds also have more minerals. It took
me a couple of cleanses to narrow down the temp and type.

-Temperature; I find that 98.6 degs works best and minimizes the shock both
to the taste buds and the stomach. Everyone has their optimum temp, this is mine

-Drink a glass of plain water a half an hour or so prior to downing SWF,
The body has been getting used to constant liquid intake during the day
and is very likely dehydrated in the a.m., thus the body is trying to suck
up the SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) rather than expell it.

-The first few days of the Mc the colon is clogged and trying to adjust. Be sure
to follow the program to the 'T' and adaptation will be smoother.

Given the above , if you still have problems with the SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) you may take a lax tea in the a.m. as well as p.m.. Also, during the day and especially on the last McCocktails for the day,up the cayenne. This will stimulate the bowels during sleep and help to ensure a more productive 'exit'. The tea is pretty rough on the system,though and downing in the a.m.,too, will make for a very unpredictible day-elimination wise. It is imperative to eliminate, so try to continue the swf or use the tea as a last resort.

The first 2-4 days are historically the toughest. After that period the body will give in and adapt happily to the ritual. If this is your first cleanse, expect a little fight from the bod.

Hope this helps.




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