Re: AND!!!!!!
I sweated a LOT when doing Thai Kwon Do in a hot dojo in New York in my twenties. We wore sweat bands made of stretchy terry cloth. Nevertheless we had to wring them out a couple times per lesson, and always got sweat in our eyes. You really learn to defend yourself using other senses when your eyes are full of sweat. No way is the stuff falling into my eyes the same as it was then - and it was very salty then.
I have gotten
Lugol's in my eyes - when the coconut oil I mixed it with melted on my face. It did not burn at all, although I was aware of it along with the blur from the coconut oil. Maybe because it was not a fresh mix -it had been sitting in a container for weeks.
I swim in the ocean and open my eyes, same with chlorinated pools. Even hours of exposure to those don't burn the way this sweat does.
I have wiped these sweat beads with napkins and tissues - the same ones that turn color with a drop of lugols. No color change from the sweat at all.
The bromine zits react not at all on tissues, either.
I wonder if we should gather a test tube of sweat and have it analyzed...
(Now I am hearing the theme "The Search for Mare's Sweat" from Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum in my head. Hero even takes the horse into the sauna.)