Who can reveal? - the PAIN CURE?
I love what Kevin does to slam the mainstream, but some of his claims are pretty extreme, like being able to "cure" ALL pain. There are some things that hurt, and I doubt if he has all the answers.
I will at least be willing to try it, look at it, whatever. Does anyone know what this "cure for all pain" is?
The only thing I can think of is CAYENNE PEPPER, which actually, really, does work for "many" pains, but not all. Things like joint pains, arthritis, worn-out hip joint pains ARE better when eating cayenne, it is surprising just how well and quickly it can work to ease those pains.
Cayenne, in my experience, does Not work for migraines or gut pains or certain muscle pains [twitchy calves that might spasm, for eg. ] Anyone find different? [and no,peppers do not make gut or stomach pain, thats a myth, right?].
What is the KT pain cure, anyone?