Re: 3 amalgams out & what happened next.
I had my
Amalgams removed in Mexico from the 23rd to the 27th of July, 2007. I was worried as I did not have an oxygen mask, and the first day was worried some stuff might have leaked through the dam. Had a mild episode of diarrhea some days later, kept eating food to try to push more out the other end. Tried cilantro, but then got sicker and thought I should just try a more normal diet. Learned that vitamin C & E were antioxidants and recommended for sufferer's of mercury toxicity by a Swedish neurologist, I added more C & E to my diet.
On the fourth day, I noticed some improvement in hearing, such events occurred occasionaly before
Amalgam removal also, yet it was fun.
On the eighth day I noticed my cheeks and chin are not numb like before, I thought they might be a bit swollen, but then thought it might also be fat I was feeling. My forehead is less numb. Continued excessive salivation and occasional dizziness. Sometimes hard to find my car in the parking lot or driving past turns as before. That is brain fog. Needed to be reminded what I was supposed to be doing sometimes.
Have been researching about mercury toxicity and
Amalgam disease in megalopolis libraries. Typically if some healing was to occur it was reported after one month and usually by the end of six months much more progress was reported, like people returning to work and feeling more normal body functions. According to Huggins more than half of people suffering some form of MS recovered after
Amalgam removal, yet some did not. Alzenheimers and Parkinson's disease symptoms were similar to symptoms of long term exposure to mercury vapor.
Learned that mercury poisoning cases studied in the 1930's did not show substantial abnormalities in blood pressure, it was normal for older people to develop higher blood pressure.
Problems with blurred vision were statistically higher amongst mercury poisoned individuals.