If you are having problems trying to order cleansers where you are from then do it yourself. I was unable to order some kidney and Liver Flushes to location. I then started to do aliitle reshearch and found way to cleans my own body with out having to buy it online.
To clean your kidney and liver nothing works better for me than Lemons and Limes. I buy fresh or organic if I can find them amd then cut them in half and squeeze the fresh juice in to my filtered water bottles and drink them all day long.
You can also change you diet to a raw diet. Try to eat an alkelizing diet as well with plent of filtered water.
I have cut out most of all the dairy, breads and meats as well. I also cut back on nightshade foods as well( tomatoes, potatoes and eggplant) I was back to normal skin in only a few months after years of suffering from P.