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Published: 18 y's my bio

Ok my history:

Always had dry hard small stool since a little girl (strained a lot) diet poor water none

Got eczema at 26

At 33 started a lot of juice fasting, enema, colonics and 8 Liver Flushes . Eczema disapears except when I eat junk food.

At age 34 resumed Liver Flushes occasional colonics.

Diet now: ground flaxseed, tons of water (all I drink) probably amount of fiber since I eat a mostly vegan diet fruits, veggies, legumes, grains, minimal processed food, minimal processed sugar. 1 tablespoon coconut oil, started probiotics as well since I DID not take them during all the cleanses...which I should have

exercise=walking plenty

WELL, I do have 1 good bowel movement a day. (I think from the flaxseed) The rest are again small hard balls and I feel very incomplete. Its like my childhood again

I have parasites I have seen them. Plan to do humaworm soon.

I am so FRUSTRATED. My diet is so good. Advice PLEASE. I eat less because I feel bloated because I am not releasing as much as I should.

Transit time: 72 hours tested with seeds of watermelon



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