Re: more dreams!
Hi there!
You know- After reading this Energy healing book I picked up , it's really sounding like these worm dreams people are having are actually the mind's way of telling you what is going on inside the body.
Some people are crediting the worms for having these powers-- but it could actually be the mind's outlet through dreams indicating a problem in the body. Sort of like your inner intuition speaking to you.
Really long worms do sound like Ascaris-- and alot of people in the civilized World actually have
Ascaris and have no clue. Not to scare you-(not that you scare easily anyways..;-) ) but Dr. H. Clark mentioned in one of her books that all it takes to pick up an
Ascaris worm infection is leaving your dishes or silverware stored outside of cupboards. She tested millions of
Ascaris worm eggs (practically microscopic when airborne) covering water left in a mason jar overnight--and on dishes and cutlery --- especially in households with pets that go in and outside alot.
Wasn't it you- Ryger- who mentioned you had a clump of dead white roundworms in the toilet after you took a
parasite killer - or pineapple and
Oxypowder last year? Those worms sound like Ascaris.
I wouldnt be surprised if I even have ascaris roundworm,myself! I saw some dead roundworms along with fluke worms after a
Liver Flush I did last year. I only saw two of them-- They looked like earthworms-- were reddish brown- and were perfectly shaped---not mashed up. They were about 3
inches long and must have been hanging around near the liver when they got flushed out from the liver flush.