Flu Vaccines - 720% rise in subsidies from USA govt.
My question is this:
Do FLU vaccines work? Flu is caused by a virus isn't it? Can a vaccine really protect us against FLU???
Also, since humans have the ability to fight the flu off without it killing us in 999/1000 cases or better, and we then aquire some natural immunity and a strenthening of our immune system, is it not an advantage to go thru a flu once in awhile?
Only the very weak will succumb to flu viruses. They could get vaccinated. The rest of us will be better off without a FLU vaccine, and some of the other diseases are beneficial to go thru also.
We should be on the track where we are "avoiding more and more vaccines as we get healthier", not "taking more and more as we get weaker". That is a truism, the rest is all about PROFITS for pharma-giants.
Link - from the horses mouth - White House vaccine subsidy program:
"Flu Vaccine Unprecedented Commitment"