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Image Embedded Re: Plz. help, advice needed
Lapis Views: 2,434
Published: 21 y
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Re: Plz. help, advice needed

I would be interested to know what the human rights commission would say in a matter like this. What if your daughter was not in any more need of medical mainstream treatment at all. *wink* What if you only consulted with a Naturopathic doctor from now on and in the future, and only used mainstream medicine for medical know like sewing back on hands and other lost body parts. If you ever have to go back tho that Doctor, take a witness with you and document everthing.

I am disgusted whne politics interferes with people's personal lives all for the sake of making as much money as possible.
This is a classic example of but one case of pharma cabal fallout. Leaves one with a very uneasy feeling.

Forced vaccines are also around the corner. If my duaghter ever had cancer, We would find a new home in mexico fast.
I am very sorry for your perdicament. Remember this saying.
"Once bitten...twice shy".

Empower yourself and your family with knowledge. Sometimes stealth pays off too. *wink*



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