Thanks Verysugar...I Know what you mean I guess it just gone on for so long and sometimes I get a bit scared cos I think what if it's not the endo what if it's something else...and I am keeping away from the doctor for all these years because when I used to go and see them I never got any joy.
I was given the nuts and I thought the exact same thing, though the Webmaster has told everyone not to take their picture personally. When I first seen it, for a second I was not totally sure that it was nuts....and you know it could have been worse cos I imagined for a moment that it was poo, which would have been awful and when you think of it, not that easy to have not taken personally...especially when other people have got lovely sunset. So when I next have a chance I am going to find a lovely picture that reflect, my inner beauty and spirtual nature and not the fact that I probably am nuts and do have a lot of problems with my poo.