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Re: Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth (DE) got rid of my worms/parasite ITS AMAZING
storyofmylife Views: 30,045
Published: 18 y
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Re: Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth (DE) got rid of my worms/parasite ITS AMAZING

I think DE is a bunch of crap. I haven't had any luck at all with it. I bought it a few years ago because it was supposed to be a "safe" way of ridding rodents of mites. It didn't do anything for my guys however I kept hearing of people using it for their chickens and it working miracles. It's high quality food grade, I bought it from someone who specializes in "natural" "holistic" type animal stuff and sells it for farm animals mostly. So yes, it's the "Right" stuff.

Since I have a huge 5lb container of it, I did my own experiments and tests with it by pouring it on whatever bug was around. If I'd find a spider, earth worms, a tick, beetle, etc. I'd get the sucker in a jar and pour it on it and see how long it would take to die. Most would be alive days later and when they finally died, it was probably because of starvation.

Black ants won't walk over it. But if you pour it on them they don't die too quick either. I know someone that claims they went outside and outlined their entire house with a line of it and they never see black ants anymore.

Tiny black ants shrivel up within seconds. But not when the DE is wet. Go find 2 ant farms in your backyard and test it for yourself.

On the animal lists I am on, I haven't read ANY success stories of getting rid of worms with this stuff. Just that it's "supposed" to work. I was just doing searches this morning because I have a cat with worms. The few people who have gotten rid of them were also using other products.


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