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Thoughts on Parasite Cleansing
  Views: 3,006
Published: 18 y

Thoughts on Parasite Cleansing

This is just my opinion, based on personal experience. Take it with a grain of salt, as I am no scientist.

The hardiest, strongest, and most "resistant" parasistes are naturally going to be the last ones to die. Therefore, determination and tenacity are extremely important when you decide to start cleansing the parasites out of your system.

If you do a cleanse, and you feel much better, it is tempting to think you've got them all out of your system, and you are well. It seems like there is no need to do another cleanse. But if you didn't get them all out, and a few hardy stragglers were left behind. Then when they start breeding and colonizing, the "offspring" are going to be a more hardy and resistant group, like they are.

So the next time, you'll have to hit them harder, cleanse longer, take more of the formula. You may have to switch to different herbs to kill the babies, as they could have developed resistance to the original formula.

It's important to follow up with another cleanse before they have a chance to mate and lay eggs. It's also important to take cleanse deeply enough to get them all out.


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