Re: In defence of every one
I am not passing judgment... just sharing my observations.
I did not state ALL people did not follow the protocol to the letter, though I do remember most as I stated in the post, did not... I left that a question with "(all?)", as I cannot remember "all" of them clearly.
I realize you are not the only one who has complained about the drink from the ingredients, taste, to the results upon using it.
If you lump me into the group generalization of following ML blindly and unquestionably, you are mistaken. If you have read my posts in the ML forum you would know that most of the information ML shares was identical or similar to the folk medicine used in my family. I am sure, over the last few years that you have also read at least some of my posts here in this forum AND in other forums that have shown just a small glimpse of the hundreds of hours I have put into research on that single topic alone.
Response to your post said and done; I do think that people like you and I who have had physical injuries (both of us serious and multiple) due to accidents and past surgeries, in addition to the same ravages of the physical ails most others run up against (maybe even worse so due to circumstances), have a very different and more difficult struggle ahead with getting well.
I may never have "perfect" knees, but I refuse to give up and will do everything in my power to work towards that goal. That is why you will find me in most every forum; if not posting, then reading, searching, putting pieces together almost incessantly when I am not working. In some cases forum posts are not as valuable as the links or directions they point and lead... and I am a researcher at heart.
I am certain, as you have responded to my post, that you read this;
"I would imagine that for some, the lime water may not be needed, for others it may be needed in larger quantities. Such is the case with each ingredient. In addition, the protocol can vary in the same individual from one day to the next dependent upon the individuals changes in daily dietary habits and environment."
Perhaps you had/have a macro mineral imbalance. Maybe caused through those years of drinking the tap water; I believe (not sure) you had mentioned something like this before. That could be why the limewater did not agree with you, exacerbating the problem. Speculating...
I noticed you have been/are doing Lugol's. Perhaps that will help you; I pray so and it should if the issue has been exacerbated by enzymatic and/or hormonal dysfunction due to any number of reasons, including possibly macro and/or micro mineral deficiencies and imbalances. I am sure you will always give special attention to a balanced nutritional intake and this will help you.
I am at the point where I can almost, when eating very high quality (high brix) foods, maintain forward progress with diet alone and feel what I need my next meal to be. As you have stated in many of your very best posts, this would be the ideal.
Be well