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How much???
Healme Views: 7,980
Published: 18 y

How much???

I would like to start eating the Gerson way but There are not many organic food resources in our grocery store. There are some not many. Also I have the Jack Lalanne Power Juicer and can't afford the 2,000.00 and up Norwalk juicer. How much does this all cost. For me thats the bottom line. Its my health I care about it but you can't squeeze blood out of a turnip if it doesn't have any blood. Anyway, I am interested in the recipes. Where do you find this information and can you do this at home since I know their is not a clinic near me by a long shot. I visited the website but it didn't talk much about the cooked veggies or any recipes only raw fruits , juicing, salads. Someone said that Dr Gerson said if you can't do all of it the way they do it then don't do it at all. But even still if you have to use regular produce and maybe not a so fancy juicer, it still seems like it would be healthier than processed junk and loaded meat??? I understand you don't get the vit. and minerals as from organic but like I said The selection is small here. Just need to know where the diet is and recipes to follow and if I can do this at home.
Also the supplements Potassium, Acidoll , Niacin etc... Do all the patients take this or does it depend on your health? I know Flax oil is good. Help!


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