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Re: julia changs recipe
raymond Views: 2,565
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 92,036

Re: julia changs recipe


Me, sensible!? I just got finished eating pizza with garlic bread. Very bad indeed! Sometimes you just gotta let it go and enjoy your son's favorite meal. At least that is my excuse and I'm sticking to it!! If you are referring to flush day, I had a small amount of chicken with dinner so that may have contributed to my less productive flush. I just don't know.

Have you talked with Julia via telephone? I know in her website notes, she mentioned that you can take GCG for an entire year and that should dissolve any stones. She mentions that is possible, but it is a long term solution versus flushing. Man, 2.8 cm?? Are you taking GCG? That is what I understand softens and crushes the stones. She told me to take the bitters to decongest my liver.

You are 16 flushes ahead of me - I am jealous! Congratulations on the improvements in your health and on the condition of your gallbladder. That is fantastic.




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