Oh trust me, he wont touch garlic, hot pepper, anything like that. He wont eat pinapple either..lol in fact he hates like all the foods I eat. He is very picky So most anti parasite foods are a no go. Eh what can you do. He might not have parasites, you never know. But his little boy is gonna start school soon and I KNOW how gross and dirty some little kids can be {he keeps his kid very clean its him playing with other kids Im concerned about, not washing their hands after using the restroom and stuff}. This world is so yucky!
The sex drive thing is really making me mad, I sure hope it starts getting better. Im now finding that not only do I have no sex drive, but when I do have sex Im having trouble lubricating properly. I feel like my sexual energy center is just shut down. Usually I can feel the sexual energy rising in me when getting turned on like a flame igniting..now it feels like a tiny candle about the burn out..barely there. I have to accept its all a part of this process I suppose.