Re: Answer--constipation increase due to kelp and/or CH?
Hi rhema,
Your question: Thank you for the quick response. What about my drinking water, should it just be plain water with nothing added or should I add the ES and/or CH and/or ACV, based on the fact that the CH may be constipating?
Is the water supposed to be just plain water so one can flush out the released acids? And will the water do that if it has all these added minerals through the ES and possibly the CH and the ACV?
One other question, I drink water that has been ozonated, run through osmosis and a carbon filter - I buy it from grocery store vending machine. I tested its pH and it is acidic. Is the distilled water one buys from the grocery store alkaline?
Answer: I add a pinch of ES to "ALL" of my Drinking water in the house !
And I take my Kelp and lime water with my Alkalizing Drink and add more Lemon juice or ACV if needed !
It may be good to drink some water besides what is in the drink !
But, "ALL" of my water I drink while in the house has a pinch of Epsom Salt added to it !
You can test any water you may get to find out if it is Acid or Alkaline !
Smile Tis your choice.