Re: Push is coming to shove. Urgent situation. Overwhelmed, help please.
Another way to go is to learn to juice fast (with homemade juices) A 10 day fast will really clean your colon out. The Champion Juicer is a good mid-priced one to check out. Juciceing becomes part of a lifestyle.
A $5.00 emema kit from Walmart used once or twice daily during the fast including some
coffee enemas and a
Liver Flush at the end of the fast will do wonders for you.
Colon cleansing and getting the organs in shape is a process that takes some time, patience, and diligence.
A great book that explains how to do all of the protocols is A Cancer Battleplan Sourcebook By Dave Frahm, ND. Doing what the book says eliminates ALL illness, not just cancer. It gets the body in great shape.
Another good book is Steve Meyerowitz book Juice Fasting and Detoxification... tells all about juice fasting.
After taking all of those meds for so long, you would benefit from liver flushing. The
coffee enemas help the liver expel toxins too. Get your liver working right and everything else improves.
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Liver Flush Support Forum
Everyone recommends water (1/2 your weight in ozs. daily), any kind of excerise daily, good diet, good attitude.... all are nesessary.