Re: Push is coming to shove. Urgent situation. Overwhelmed, help please.
Hi siderealion...It sounds like you're going to be spending a big wad of money why don't you just find a colon hydrotherapist and get an evaluation
and one
colonic and go from there?
I feel like I'm in a desperate situation myself. And I've taken many of the cleanses and done a lot of the things that help most people...and they haven't
helped me at all.
I think you said you're in Los there has to be a ton of colon hydrotherapists in your area.
My situation has gone on for 7 years...but has become much worse in the last 6 or
8 months....probably because I have absolutely become obsessed with it. And I have
finally made an appointment with a Naturopath in St Louis...and we're going to have
to make a 3 hour drive one way...just to go see her. And if she feels she can help
me...we plan to make that trip several times in the next 2 or 3 get me back on the road to health.
You've very I know you've got to be very inexperienced with all of this.
I've been studying natural healing for decades and "I" would not go the route you're
going. Why don't you spend that money on a good hydrotherapist and let THEM help
you resolve your problem. The one in St Louis charges $75 a session...and I would
imagine they all charge about the same.
I think Valerie has a list of many colon hydrotherapists throughout the U.S. so maybe she could help you find a good one. And you do want to be sure you're getting a good one. I really hope you go 'this' route...instead of the one you're considering. Will you consider a colon hydrotherapists? Hope to hear back from
you. kathryn