Re: For Entertainment Purposes Only
i came here after scouring the web and being familiar or experienced with most of the things on this site. i stopped here and do very little searching any more primarily because of MH. certainly, i appreciate all the participants at curezone, but no one has the focus of mh. his ideal of obey nature is perfect. that none of us, including him, is perfect is without question - look at the world we live in.
people poopoo what mh says and i just laugh. he is not the only one with a following here, as you just pointed out. i have seen people give adoration to shelly and andreas and owen, as i have myself. where is the belittlement of that? believe me, i have found error in something that every single one of the above mentioned have said. and i have seen blind obedience to same that was not only unwarranted but in the face of much evidence to the contrary.
mh thinks
Colloidal Silver is crazy - i like it and have seen nothing to disway me, yet. mh thinks there is little value in certified organic food - my experience is quite contrary to that. otherwise, these things being made fun of that he has said - i see it. i have to wonder why others dont, or dont want to?