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oh boy
changeisgood Views: 3,805
Published: 18 y
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oh boy

this is the elephant in the middle of the room that nobody's talking about...

I have a girlfriend who is a marriage counselor and it is fascinating to hear (without breaching patient confidentiality) how so many couples go down this road.

I am female, but have great sympathy for males who will break down in tears as they describe how they are no longer attracted to their wives who have gained 50 pounds, cut off all their hair, thrown away contacts for glasses and no longer groom themselves.

The women invariably insist that the men should "value them for who they are" yada, yada.

Healthy is sexy. Being height / weight proportionate and clean and groomed, teeth brushed and white, hair groomed and shiny, feet clean and groomed is all what you should just do for yourself, forget him.

Men are visual, much more than women, this is a fact. Many men are trapped in a marriage with a woman they DO love, but she has let herself go to the point of ridiculousness. What would YOU do if you loved your spouse, but are still a live male, just waste years of life on hoping she will get back into shape.

Oh, and ladies who want to insist that men should love them at any size, shape, etc., spare me. Do a hundred crunches, paint your nails and then write.


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