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SED Diet
Telman Views: 5,509
Published: 18 y
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SED Diet

We have a few things in common and I take your point about eggs and they have gone onto the critical list. It is most probably the protein in the egg white that causes the reaction and from what I've read not all eggs have this protein in sufficient quantity.

I have always had a healthy intake of food, my father had a small holding and I've produce most of our food for the last 30 years. I did find that eating a combination diet was an enormous help and most of the time I still eat my carbohydrates and proteins at separate times. In a month it doubled my energy levels. It also helps prevent the swing from acid to alkali; keeping the Ph at a neutral level.

I have only been to a McDonald's once during a visit to Paris; but I didn't have a burger I order a chicken thing but I didn't like it. I've only eaten a Frankfurter in Frankfurt, the real thing, which tasted good but I didn't have bread with it.

Large complex meals of protein and carbohydrate from the humble cheese sandwich to the pizza, hot-dog, burger are all protein and fat surrounded by carbohydrate. The effect of these meals is that they sit in the stomach and while they are being churned the cholecystokinin response that helps tells us we are full is absent. In time the response turns of altogether and the pounds start to accumulate because the pleasure of food outweighs the stimulus of satisfied fullness. The combination of many factors including a high ingestion of "bad carbs" interferes with the function of the pancreas and diabetes syndrome develops. In time it becomes impossible to eat oils and fats but there is a belief among some experts that this scenario can be reversed by a therapy of ingesting oil which is the direct opposite to conventional advice. This is because oil helps restores the cholecystokinin response.

Proteins require an acid medium for digestion. When animal proteins enter into the stomach this stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid which activates the enzyme pepsin, whose function is the splitting and digesting of the proteins. This action in the stomach can only take place in a wholly acid medium; the presence of any high starch or Sugar with its accompanying alkalis interferes with, or neutralizes, this acid medium, and the proteins are then incompletely digested. The implications of this incomplete protein digestion are more serious than has hitherto been suspected.

Carbohydrates (starches and sugars) require an alkaline medium for digestion. This is initiated in the mouth by the action of the enzyme, ptyalin, which splits the starches into lower forms before entrance into the small intestine where their further reduction and main digestion takes place. As the whole process of starch digestion depends on its proper initiation in the mouth, all starch foods must be thoroughly chewed, otherwise the small intestine, although alkaline in all its secretions, cannot complete what the ptyalin started higher up in the tract.
The stomach acts as a mixing chamber in which the saliva, with its active ptyalin, is thoroughly incorporated into the starches. During this early sojourn in the stomach, lasting about thirty to forty-five minutes, the normal acidity of the stomach is insufficient to cancel out, or interfere with, the alkaline medium necessary for preparing the starches for their intestinal digestion. The presence of meat, however, or other acid-compelling foods, or acid fruits, arrests this preparation and fermentation follows; the splitting-down process of starches can only occur in a positive alkalinity.

I suppose in England we have SED food.

Best regards



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