We have not gotten as far as you yet in the potty-training experience, but my suggestion is to hang it up entirely until she sees the other kids, as you said. I find that when I reach a point (as we did recently when my 2-y.o.'s refused to use the potty, which I really wanted them to begin using...) where I have a goal and they are not compliant, it means they are not ready to be who I want them to be. Our solution was to hang it up for a while and try again later rather than to engage in a battle -- or keep fighting a battle -- that I would lose anyway.
I provide a lot of structure for my girls and they are really well-behaved and sweet in general. On this front I just had to admit that they are not ready yet, which also means that they are not on MY schedule, which fundamentally just means I am not getting what I want.
I bet she will start going potty when she sees her peers doing it. That is always a way for us to "move forward" more quickly!