I posted a few days ago the blurb from the intuitive recently about the clarification regarding 'soda'. There could certainly be some truth to Cayce's words and that Tri-Salts product sounds good. To follow what Cayce said, one could probably even use ordinary baking soda alone but what you're using is more comprehensive. And if you're feeling great doing it...
Thinking further about this, all 4 substances are critical for proper and *complete* digestion. Speculating here, this could be what Cayce meant- that through regular ingestion of the 4, the body would have the wherewithal to break down and absorb its food properly. Not that a person could literally LIVE on the 4 alone, but that it would enable the breaking down of the proteins into individual aminos, digest the fats, etc. The next session I have with the intuitive, I'll ask him about this.