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Image Embedded've got IODINE! :D
wombat Views: 39,477
Published: 17 y
Status:       RN [Message recommended for CureZone Newsletter!]'ve got IODINE! :D

Iodine creates beautiful smiles......I've been doing a little searching and have found all sorts of references on Iodine & dental health, from the use of Lugol's as a toothache remedy to the uses of Iodine solution in an anti-gingivital mouth rinse to the effectiveness of Iodine in PREVENTING early childhood cavities to the correlation of prenatal hypothyroidism and poorly mineralized tooth enamel....etc... :D

PARENTS! there is amazing info on iodine & the prevention of cavities in your children's teeth down the page. Don't give up on this loooooong post! :)


"Iodine is a trace mineral required for human life. Humans require iodine for proper physical and mental development. It impacts cell respiration, metabolism of energy and nutrients, functioning of nerves and muscles, differentiation of the fetus, growth and repair of tissues, and the condition of skin, hair, TEETH, and nails. Iodine is also needed for the production of thyroid hormones."


"Some countries are fluoridating their water supply for the theoretical benefits of fluoride helping to prevent cavities. What is happening is the ingested fluoride takes the place of iodine that should be there in the teeth, especially growing teeth. Iodine and thyroid for example have complete control of tooth growth along with some help from growth hormone. It is only because our iodine intake has been decreasing over the years that fluoride has been mistakenly added to our water with the idea of helping children's teeth. It would have made more scientific sense to have added more iodine."




The effects of induced prenatal hypothyroidism on lamb mandibular third primary molars.

"Intrauterine thyroidectomies were performed on nine lambs on or about the ninety-sixth postconception day. Seven other control and shamoperated lambs, and the cretin lambs were sacrificed immediately after birth. The mandibles were removed and sectioned at the midline. The right side molars were removed by dissection and caliper measured. The distal cusps of the third primary molars were sectioned, dehydrated, and embedded in Bioplastic. A slow speed diamond saw was used to section the plastic blocks and the embedded teeth. Subsequent grinding and polishing produced high quality 75 micrometer sections of the lamb molar cusps. No significant differences in tooth size or enamel thickness existed. Microscopic examinations show that parts of the cretin enamel were poorly calcified, an observation that was correlated to the intrauterine thyroidectomies. The data suggest that hypothyroidism alters ameloblastic activity during the secretory phase of enamel formation."


I REALLY DON'T want to know the details of this next particular study, as in were these children's teeth "collected"? *shudder* I guess that "they" have got the tooth fairy working for them........

Congenital hypothyroidism and changes in the enamel of deciduous teeth.

"Deciduous teeth from children with congenital hypothyroidism were collected and ground sections were prepared. The sections were analysed by means of polarized light and microradiography. The enamel in ground sections of deciduous teeth from children with congenital hypothyroidism showed an increase in areas with elevated pore volume distribution in both the pre- and postnatal enamel. The findings suggest that thyroid hormone influences enamel maturation. Further, alterations in enamel structure, presumably due to prenatal thyroid deficiency, were found to be more common among children with neurological abnormalities at the age of 7 to 9 years."


Tooth eruption and craniofacial development in congenital hypothyroidism: report of case.

"The long-term effects of severe hypothyroidism on craniofacial growth and dental development are illustrated in this case. It is apparent that given a favorable diet, the primary dentition can persist for a long period (early childhood to at least the age of 19) without the development of dental caries. It is also clear that the dental structures can still respond to the effects of L-thyroxine at a relatively late age, with the exfoliation of primary dentition and eruption of the secondary dentition. Impacted mandibular second molars appear to be rare. The lack of proper growth of the mandible and failure of normal resorption of the internal aspect of the ramus associated with deposition of bone on the external aspect with the development of normal-size teeth, resulted in a lack of space for the eruption of mandibular second molars. The impaction of the mandibular second molars in this patient seems to be caused by a dissociation of ramus growth and dental development, resulting in insufficient space for proper eruption of these teeth."

this kid looks fine...... :)


"SUMMARY: Although it has been known since 1917 that mottled dental enamel (later
recognized as dental fluorosis—DF) is identical with that observed in thyroid
dysfunction, disturbances of thyroid hormone metabolism during crucial periods of
tooth development as the primary cause of DF have received very little
consideration by dental researchers. New findings indicate that thyroid hormone
metabolism is disturbed in peripheral tissue of children with DF, thereby helping to
account for timing of events observed in DF and the delayed eruption of teeth in
fluoridated areas and further suggesting the use of DF as a marker and diagnostic
aid for iodine deficiency disorders."

"Shortly after Professor G Vardiman Black and Frederick S McKay published
their impressively illustrated reports in Dental Cosmos in 1916 on mottled dental
enamel (later identified as dental fluorosis) they had observed in Colorado,1
McKay in 1917 reported that Professor John E Grevers of Utrecht, Holland, to
whom he had sent specimens of mottled teeth, found the identical condition in
the teeth of people with goiter in Utrecht.2 Grevers also obtained laboratory evidence from his drinking water studies on rats that there was a clear association of his clinical cases of goiter with mottled enamel, and, like McKay, postulated a
connection with an unidentified component in the drinking water—found years
later, in 1931, to be fluoride..........."

"In fact, DF is a developmental disorder—originating from aberrant thyroid
hormone metabolism. Perhaps the most obvious indication that DF is a condition caused by disordered thyroid hormone signaling during the time of enamel development is the
long-standing observation of delayed eruption of teeth in fluoridated areas.9 DF
is invariably associated with dental age and eruption of teeth, a process closely
controlled by thyroid hormone (TH). TH deficiency leads to delayed tooth eruption,
while TH excess leads to the acceleration of tooth eruption. The more fluoride
ingested, the longer it takes for the tooth to erupt. The later in life maturation
of enamel is completed, the greater is the severity of dental fluorosis."

"The findings by AK Susheela and co-workers, as published in this issue of Fluoride,
15 present not only the first reports on TSH and free TH levels in children
and adolescents with DF, but, in addition, show that even in children without
DF—but with elevated fluoride serum levels—abnormal TH metabolism is
present, as previously observed in workers exposed to fluoride,16 as well as in
children and adults with various amounts of fluoride in the water supply.6,17 This
new evidence indicates that iodine metabolism is being disturbed in peripheral
tissue through manipulation of the deiodinases, the three enzymes which delicately
regulate TH metabolism through external TSH/G-protein activation. The
disturbances in TH levels observed are identical with those observed in iodine
deficiency disorders (IDD)."

"TH deficiency during the secretory stage of amelogenesis results in poorly calcified
enamel,18 a hallmark of dental fluorosis. Since it is during this time that
any alterations in TH may also influence the neurological development of the
child, enamel defects in deciduous teeth and permanent incisors, such as dental
fluorosis, should be used as a marker and aid in the diagnosis of neurological and
iodine deficiency disorders, as has been suggested by others."



"Many researchers (28-31) and Wharton [32] reported that immunodeficiency and malnutrition in adolescence and iodine deficiency and dental caries are associated. In 1939, Hardgrove [33] reported that “in his community (Fond du Lac, Wis, USA), since the beginning of administration of iodine to prevent goitre, children have less caries. Iodine seems to increase resistance to caries, retarding the process and reducing its incidence."



"Two new treatments to prevent caries have been reported recently. In the July issue of Nature Biotechnology, a collaboration of European scientists led by Swedish researcher Lennart Hammarström described a study they conducted to see whether the bacterium Lactobacillus zeae could be engineered to produce an antibody that was effective against a pathogen that causes caries over long periods. When researchers administered the engineered L. zeae to rats that had been infected with the caries-causing pathogen Streptococcus mutans, they found the bacterium reduced not only the number of pathogenic bacteria, but also the number of cavities they produced. In contrast to an antibody given alone that is quickly broken down, removed from the mouth or both, L. zeae was able to persist in the mouth for three weeks and continually fight the bacteria that cause caries."

"As L. zeae bacterium is regarded as safe for use in humans, researchers said the
new approach seems promising for use in dental treatments to protect against dental caries. In a study reported in the June issue of Pediatric Dentistry, researchers investigated the effectiveness of iodine in preventing early childhood cavities.
They applied 10 percent solution of iodine to the teeth and gingivae of 83 children 12 to 19 months of age. The subjects were healthy, free of cavities and received a bottle containing a beverage other than water at naptime or bedtime. They also
were tested for the presence of S. mutans."

"The iodine solution was applied to the teeth and gingivae of 39 children every second month, while unsweetened tea was applied to the teeth and gingivae of the 44 control subjects. Researchers found that 91 percent of the subjects who received the iodine solution were free of cavities after 12 months compared with 54 percent of the control subjects."


"One promising approach is the use of topical iodine formulations, which are approved for pediatric use and have prolonged suppressive effects on oral reservoirs of mutans streptococci. They may also suppress lactobacilli. A recent study (unpublished) in which ECC children were treated with 10 percent povidone iodine while undergoing their restorative procedures showed that mutans streptococci and lactobacilli were markedly reduced for up to three months. Details of that study will be published elsewhere."

"Perhaps the relationship between iodine and fluoride explains why laboratory studies show fluoride increases decay. By ingesting fluoride you can inhibit iodine and therefore the thyroid. Several large blinded human studies and on animals show that fluoride had no beneficial effect in reducing decay and in some studies increased the damage. Remember that fluoride like mercury is a cumulative poison and the less you are exposed to such a poison the better off you will be."

Iodine as an Oral Bactericidal Agent

"Iodine is among the most potent of bactericidal agents. Its effect is not time-dependent; once bacterial contact is made, its action is immediately lethal. Iodine has excellent penetrability into dental plaques.37,38 These characteristics make it an excellent agent for oral use. Earlier studies by Gibbons and coworkers showed that a single two-minute application of a 2 percent iodine/potassium iodine ( I2-KI ) solution eliminated mutans streptococci from accessible human tooth sites for up to 13 weeks.39 In 1977, Caufield and Gibbons showed that a dental prophylaxis followed by three applications of a 2 percent I2-KI solution significantly reduced mutans streptococci levels in fissure and proximal-surface plaques and saliva. Reductions persisted for 20 to 24 weeks in proximal plaque and saliva; fissure plaques were significantly suppressed for four weeks but gradually returned to baseline levels in the absence of dietary restrictions."

"Recently, the influence of bimonthly topical application of 10 percent povidone iodine was assessed in a placebo-controlled double-blind clinical trial in preventing the development of white spot lesions on the maxillary primary incisors of Puerto Rican babies at high risk for developing early childhood caries.41 The study population consisted of 83 subjects (age 12 to 19 months, 40 female and 43 male). The healthy caries-free children were included in the study if they had four maxillary primary incisors with no visible defects, used a nursing bottle at naptime and/or bedtime that contained a cariogenic substrate, and had two consecutive mutans streptococci positive cultures from pooled maxillary primary incisor plaque. The subjects were randomized into two groups that were evaluated every two months during the study period. At each evaluation, the subjects had 10 percent povidone iodine (experimental group) or placebo (control group) applied to their dentition. The results of this study showed that the children who received topical treatment with 10 percent povidone iodine were significantly more likely to remain caries-free."

"Collectively, the preceding information strongly suggests that topical iodine agents are efficacious for preventing dental caries in babies and young preschool children at high risk for this disease. Dr. Reed Snow, director of the Delta Dental special programs in California, has many times stated over the past several years that it is time for a paradigm shift in our understanding of caries etiology, prevention, and treatment. The use of safe and effective means to inhibit bacterial transmission subsequent infection should be at the cornerstone of this paradigm shift."


Use of Molecular Iodine in the Oral Cavity

"Symbollon is has developed a liquid formulation of molecular iodine in a mouthrinse matrix and is planning to submit an IND to the FDA based upon this composition. In the late 1970s researchers at the University of Florida ran controlled clinical trials to evaluate the ability of molecular iodine to inhibit plaque formation and to treat gingivitis. These researchers evaluated 10% povidone-iodine versus a number of other treatments including a 50/50 mixture of 10% povidone-iodine and 3% hydrogen peroxide. Although they were unaware of it, mixing hydrogen peroxide with PVP causes the formation of molecular iodine via the reaction of Iodide with hydrogen peroxide. In essence, these researchers were improving the 5% PVP formulation without knowing it. The literature citations for these articles is shown below: ·1 Clark WB, Magnusson I, Walker CB, Marks RG. Efficacy of Perimed amtibacteria; system on established gingivitis. J. Clinical Periodontology 1989;16:630-35. A 6-month, double-blind study was conducted on 101 subjects with established gingivitis. The following four different mouthrinses were used: (1) 5% PVP, (2) 5% PVP in 1.5% hydrogen peroxide, (3) 1.5% hydrogen peroxide, and (4) water. Gingivitis and plaque was assessed at baseline, 3, 12 and 24 weeks. Gingivitis was evaluated using the papillary bleeding score (PBS) index and plaque was evaluated with the Quigley-Hein plaque index (PI). After baseline subjects received a supragingival scaling and a subgingival irrigation with their respective rinse. Subjects rinsed every day and every three weeks they received a subgingival irrigation. The data indicates that both the 5% PVP and 5% PVP/1.5% H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) mouthrinses significantly reduced gingival inflammation and that the greatest reduction was obtained when the concentration of molecular iodine was increased by combining hydrogen peroxide with 5% PVP."


and, some random io-snippets re: iodine & teeth. I disagree with the "don't swallow" in this next one:D

Remedy for toothache using iodine.
Rebecca F.

I was told by a friend that a drop of iodine on a tooth helps kill the pain and stop abscess. So far it works great.
Just remember to drop it on let it sit DON’T SWALLOW. Then brush after.


Iodine used for bruxism(teeth grinding)

"People who clench and/or grind their teeth in their sleep can reduce this by taking up to 8 drops of Lugol's (potassium iodide) daily or periodically."

"Being more common in children than in adults, bruxism has been estimated to occur in 5% to 20% of the 3-17 year old age group. In younger children it often stops by the time the second set of teeth appear. In adults, bruxism is more prevalent in athletes, military tank drivers, compulsive over-achievers and those involved in very meticulous work."



by Tom Johnson and Carol A. Baraff

Numerous readings recommend a solution called Ipsab as a treatment for the gums and teeth. It is not known where the name originated - possibly it was coined by Edgar Cayce 's source of information. In Cayce's day at least, Ipsab was not a commercial product.

Many readings prescribing it also gave directions for making it, but these formulas varied somewhat. In a few instances it is stated that the finished product should be a paste, but the majority of cases suggest a liquid. If desired, a paste may be easily made by adding salt in sufficient amounts to the liquid.

The Ipsab formula requires prickly ash bark, salt, calcium chloride, peppermint, and iodine. Salt acts as an astringent, shrinking the gum membranes between the teeth so that the other ingredients can reach these areas. The primary active ingredient is prickly ash bark. This was known to the American Indians as "toothache bark," and Cayce referred to it by the same terms.

In many cases Ipsab was suggested simply for general upkeep of the teeth and gums:

Using, then for the teeth and gums, to strengthen same, those properties as found in that combination [Ipsab] as has been given for such conditions through these forces. (257-11)

Some local attention [to the teeth] is needed. The natural tendency of a disturbance in the circulatory forces to the sensory organs, as indicated, is to make for a lack of the proper circulation through the gums and to the portions of the teeth themselves.
If the solution known as Ipsab is used to massage the gums occasionally, it will make for a strengthening of the areas and a preserving of their usefulness. Once or twice a week this would be thoroughly massaged into the gums, and will make a great deal of change in the gums and the teeth. Do that. (987-1)

Do use Ipsab as a massage for the gums and it will make a great deal of difference with the teeth, the breath and the general activity. (3598-1)

We would use same [Ipsab] not upon cotton, for this body, but upon the finger use it and massage; not only the gums where the teeth are but where they are not! And we will find that the stimulation to the activities of the throat itself, to the salivary glands, to even the tonsil area, will be materially aided by the activity of the combination of the calcium with the iodine in same, as well as the antiseptics that arise from the vegetable forces in same as combined with sodium chloride. (569-23)

Ipsab, in diluted form, was recommended for the developing teeth of babies. The following readings were given for a one-year-old and a nine-months-old child, respectively:

Also during this period of the formation of the teeth, keep sufficient quantities of iodine in the food values for the body, as well as calcium and so forth. It will be found that a massage of the gums occasionally with those properties known as Ipsab will be helpful ... as these processes are carried on through the activity of the thyroid operations in the body. (314-2)

Q-2. Are teeth forming normally?
A-2. These are very good. We would find that a weakened solution of Ipsab for the gums would tend to relieve the pressure and make for normalcy in the salivary glands, as well as strengthening the tissue in the mouth. This should be reduced at least half, and the gums massaged with a tuft of cotton with same. This also adds to the amount of saline, calcium and iodine, for the activity of the glands in mouth and throat. (299-2)

Ipsab seems to be especially effective in treatment of bleeding or receding gums and for treatment and prevention of pyorrhea. In one reading Cayce stated that some element in the prickly ash bark destroyed the germs that cause pyorrhea. Ipsab was also prescribed for trench mouth and other types of gum problems:

Q-1. What can I do about pyorrhea condition in my teeth?
A-1. Use Ipsab regularly each day and rinse mouth out when it is finished
with Glyco-Thymoline. (5121-1)

The receding gums and those tendencies towards pyorrhea would be allayed by the consistent use of Ipsab as a massage for the teeth and gums. Also these should be treated, some locally, with the dentist's paraphernalia [and also] - the small wads of cotton saturated with the Ipsab and applied in the areas where the conditions are indicated at the base or edge of the gums. (3696-1)

This will purify and make for such a condition as to assist in correcting the trouble where there has been the softening of the teeth themselves - or the enamel on same. (1026-1)

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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