Thank you for that inspiring Speech! I am so uplifted if I had wings I would fly!
You are right, It is us against them! Those dirty fags are RUINING AMERICA!!!! I want MY AMERICA BACK! I hate all those fags and liberals and they are attacking all that is good and pure!! I dont care if they are happy or not I just want people like you Celcius to be happy and strong and manly! Celcius you are a TRUE AMERICAN HERO!
There is no one else so bold and strong and insightful as you! Who else would see through those dirty fags attempts to "just live their happy faggy lives!" They are really attacking YOU and AMERICA! SAVE us Celcius! Tell us more, give us more to free us from our BONDS of the boob tube!
Dirty deviants!! Face Celcius for your JUDGEMENT!
He too was once just like the deviants and now he is PURE! Celcius was also a dirty FAG and now he is a TRUE MAN!