Re: There is no "healthy and happy" life for gays.
How unoriginal, you liberal knee jerk reactionaries should really find new tactics to promote your agenda!
The people are catching on to the politically correct mentality now that many of them are paying the price for excusing deviant behavior and its propagation by the rockefellian crowd, I wish you would research whats happening on the boob tube and in the schools and show me Im wrong! You see I once was, not too long ago, exactly where you are now and had tried desperately to deny the things I once believed to be good intentions and the right thing to do! I was more liberally radical then you are now and it wasnt easy coming to the place I am now!
I really dont care if gay people are happy or not many people are unhappy, what I only really care about is stopping the continuous attack on america and american values! If you dont see the fact that its not gays that are destroying the family but the ongoing promotion to our children that gay is preferable to straight that being a white male is evil, that no matter how hard one works and struggles to better themselves and their families that we should also literally support every one else on the planet first !
We must work the first three months of every year to support others and if we and our families suffer because of this ,so what!
Gay is just a part of the issue deviding one against the other is the issue!
Im just sick off this knee jerk response by those like you! This better then thou attitude because you are so kind and understanding all the while the country goes down the tubes!