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Re: swf
Ceeeeez Views: 1,256
Published: 18 y
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Re: swf

Hi Zoe...

I'd been wondering this same thing about the SWF. I've been pushing myself to do them this time around. My previous two cleanses I only did the teas morning and night... which worked fine. I tried the SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) once and almost gagged... so I quit.

This time around I was inspired by Pepe badgering people to 'do it right or not at all' so I decided to force myself through it. I've done many of the SWF's so far. I started with the 2 level teaspoons of Sea Salt (Celtic). It took FOREVER for these to produce eliminations. I've gradually increased the salt over the days. I've tried up to a whopping 4 level teaspoons- all with the same effect. Still, no change in the timing of the eliminations.

As for hydration, I'm drinking over a gallon of water a day- spaced between lemonades throughout the day. I'm in the bathroom about once an hour giving my kidneys a workout. I can't believe I'm still not hydrated enough for the SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) to work. I've been tweaking the salt content like Burroughs states in his book. Still, I can't get this 30-45 minute thing working right. It's taking 2-3 hours to work properly.

I'm an engineer in a professional environment... and heaven forbit I end up in a marathon meeting when the SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) finally kicks in. That could be BAD.

Is there anything else I might try to fine-tune the SWF to work correctly? Any advice is much appreciated.



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