Re: liver spots....
interesting you mention the about your clogged lymph sytem..
i think we all get clogs all the time. there are 12
quarts of lymph
fluid in the body, as opposed to 3
quarts of blood,with a pump=the heart
and the lymph needs to be moved my breathing or exercising...
after a few liver cleanses,my liver spots appeared on top of my
lymph glands in my left hand
i can see the difference when these lhymph vessels are full and when they are
less volumous...some chemical is coming from the liver, brown in color, and then
it goes out the skin! surely the bowel is not working properly, and the stuff takes
the path of least resistence out the skin, my theory,
I did see a link to some product that practically gauranteed it would remove
liver spots(it did say they were not liver related, rather sun-related, i disagree
so i would like to find that product and try it, there must be away to get rid of these spots....