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Re: Laser dentist and root canals
Aharleygyrl Views: 7,809
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 898,336

Re: Laser dentist and root canals

No, the teeth are ground, yes, but not all teeth have to be grinded a lot.  It depends on the tooth and other factors.  And, I see people all the time with bridges they have had for many years.  They grind down the same way when they do crowns and I saw a lady who has some crowns 50 years.  George Meineg, I spoke to on the phone a couple years back and he had a bridge that was around that old.  It finally failed.  Myself, I had a crown for over 15 years that was still fine and I still have the tooth now.  But, bridges and crowns should be checked periodically by the dentist, and replaced every 10 years or so, unless they are in very good shape with no problems. 




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