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Re: Laser dentist and root canals
Aharleygyrl Views: 7,663
Published: 18 y
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Re: Laser dentist and root canals

I once had a root canal redone 3 times, still didn't work.  my dad had his redone a couple times, then they put in a drainage tube for infection to drain when it built up and they crowned it.  By the time they were done, he had $2100 in that one tooth ($1900 in another).  When the dentist here pulled it, it shot blood and infection all over the dentist.  He had a total of 5 pulled, all were badly infected.  we just had a guy here from Nebraska who had 5 root canals pulled by his dentist back home and his dentist was scared to pull the rest, said they were badly infected and told him to go to Mexico.  I can give you his email if you need it. 

also, I just emailed Hal Huggins and he got back to me.  here was my Question and here was his answer:


getting people saying Epiphany with Resilon is good to put in root canals and it seals all the roots.  it's always something these idiots are trying [referring to the industry].  can you please address this?  do you have any write-ups on this product?


From Hal:

Write-ups will be in the form of one giant expose! They are looking at the wrong tree to “bark up.” The problem is the infected periodontal ligament on the OUTSIDE of the tooth. Sealing the pulp chamber does not effect the dentinal tubules adjacent to the periodontal ligament- nor the infected ligament itself.

Dr. Hal A Huggins



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