I have concerns about it blocking not only fat sol vitamins but EFAs like DHA and EPA as well. And for what? an extra 3lbs over the course of 1 year at $240/per pound? Great idea!
Thx for the posts!
And I just love....
In terms of study-related adverse effects, the orlistat group had a significantly increased amount of soft stools (P = 0.002), oily spotting (P<0.001), fatty or oily stools (P<0.001), oily evacuation (P<0.001), liquid stools (P = 0.02), cramping (P = 0.02), flatus with discharge (P<0.001), and fecal incontinence (P<0.001) in comparison with the placebo group ( Table 4 ). Oily spotting, fatty or oily stools, and cramping improved more over time in the orlistat group than in the placebo group.