Thanks for you input! I gather that your father did the Coffee-Enema protocol and that it helped him a lot? that's wonderful.
I and my significant other have some questions about your post. I assume that by "not taking full measures" you mean that by not doing the full Gerson protocol there might be problems? Is that what you meant? Also, about the snippet from a previous post: what do you mean that Iodine deficiency keeps cancers from being detected until they are big enough for surgery. How does lack of Iodine keep the cancers from being detected? Also,
can you give me some clues/references as to what sorts of unpredictable reactions to Iodine supplementation could possibly happen? And did you mean that supplementing with iodine might actually be dangerous for someone with active prostate cancer? I am very interested in what you said and just want to make sure I understand it.