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to the chiropractic skeptic
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to the chiropractic skeptic

Follow the Leader… or Follow the Follower?

Following the example of successful people is a good idea – it avoids the trial-and-error of blazing your own trail. But most people, Nightingale observed are so hungry for acceptance, they try to be like everyone else. Instead of marching forward they march in circles, following each other in mindless lockstep… and going nowhere.

That concept is easy enough to understand. But it’s very hard to do something about it. You can’t overcome a lifetime of knee-jerk responses after only one hearing. But, after repeated hearings, you start to make headway.

Please read the truth about Chiropractic more than once, in order to overcome a lifetime of propaganda, misinformation and walking in circles. Millions seek Chiropractic care, why not you?

Those that read this article with intellect and not with prejudiced or opinionated thought patterns will gain the most. You see, truth is for earnest seekers, not for those of idle curiosity. Absolute truth is discovered by those who overcome their natural materialistic skepticism. Thus it is with CHIROPRACTIC! People are always against that which they know nothing about. Ignorance breeds condemnation.

“There is a principle which is against all information, which is proof against all argument and which cannot fail to keep man in everlasting ignorance, that principle is condemnation before investigation.”


In the days prior to Christopher Columbus, most believed the world to be flat. Those that believed otherwise were labeled as heretics or at best, fools. They were ridiculed, and scoffed at and generally laughed at due to their presumed ignorance.

Today, however, we look at the world in a different way. Columbus, as well as others, have shown us the truth in regards to the shape of our world. It took brave, courageous men to show us a new way of thinking.

When it comes to health care, there is a group of doctors that are trying to get mankind to form a new way of thinking. They are called “Doctors of Chiropractic” or “Chiropractors”. The chiropractic profession is only one hundred years old, however, in this short time has become the second largest healing profession in the world as well as the largest natural health care system in existence.

The modern Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) believes that it is indeed time for a new way of thinking when it comes to our health care delivery system. Today many Americans still believe that modern medicine has given us the best health care in the world, but we see it a little differently. Americans spend over $850 billion dollars each year on modern medicine for disease and crisis care, not health care. That is more than twice as much as other industrialized nations, yet America ranks only 37th in life expectancy and 21st in infant mortality. We are spending more money and getting sicker every year, according to the World Health Organization.

It is no wonder we are seeing a health revolution. It is time to redefine what health really is! It is time to re-invent health care for the 21st century. Just as any science, Chiropractic has evolved over the years and has come to the forefront of true health care.

“No Science is ever a completed one, because new facts, new relations and new phenomena are forcing themselves upon consciousness, seeking for classification and explanation in conformity with laws under which they exist.”
B.J. Palmer, D.C. 1917

B.J. was right, Chiropractic has grown and helped millions of suffering humanity back to health. However, some may find this hard to accept. This is because… our minds reject all thought and ideas that are not consistent with what we have accepted as fact. In the neurophysiology of how we think, when we accept a thought or concept as fact, such as health care, the pre-frontal lobe of our brain then screens out all new thoughts and ideas that may be encountered on the subject. The new thoughts are then rejected because they are not consistent with what we believe; therefore, we are protected from all new, evasive ideas even though they may be more accurate than our own. In other words, “do not confuse me with the facts; I have already made up my mind”.

As you endeavor to read this article, I would hope that in doing so you will have an open mind and a clear intent to learn. That all preconceived ideas may be brought into the light of truth, holding on to true facts and discarding false conceptualization and propaganda.

While it may be true that we all live in the same world, there are great differences in our thought processes. We must come to the realization that our destiny is determined by choice, not by chance. Unfortunately, most people reflect the opinions of others, not their own. So the information contained herein may be discarded based upon the unenlightened opinions of others.

“Apparent truth” refers to the appearance of the mind and material phenomena. This means that every perceivable reality appears as “real” to deluded minds, but “unreal” to enlightened ones. Some believe their borrowed negative opinions as to Chiropractic effectiveness to be “truth”. This can only be called “apparent truth”, since the opinion is not backed by scientific evidence.

“Absolute truth” refers to the simplicity of documented fact as well as proper investigation. On the pages that follow, you will find a small record of the volumes of scientific documentation as to Chiropractic’s ability to ease the suffering of mankind. There are no limits, except those we put on ourselves, such as flat world thinking.

Let me preface the following information by stating that I am not against medicine, per se. After all I did have full medical staff privileges at a fine hospital in St. Louis, Missouri. When it comes to the emergency intervention and first aid, medicine does very well.


The following are typical questions that I have been asked by those who knew absolutely nothing about chiropractic. See if someone has asked you any of these or you may have even asked yourself.

Q: “You are not a REAL doctor, are you?”
A: In a pleasant manner I would ask, “What do you mean by ‘real doctor’ – someone who prescribes drugs, surgery, bed rest or a psychiatrist?” After they reflect a moment, I then explain that the word doctor means TEACHER and that REAL DOCTORS do not pretend an expertise which they do not possess. “REAL” doctors do not pass judgment on professions about which they are basically ignorant. “REAL” doctors are those who get results.

The Doctor of Chiropractic is well versed in the diagnosis of human ailments as stated by the United States Federal Government on December 8, 1994. An interdisciplinary panel of the Agency for Health Care policy and Research (AHCPR) stated:
“Spinal manipulation, done by a chiropractor, was identified as the only recommended intervention whose benefits include symptom relief and functional improvement.”

The report went on to state that when it comes to back problems physical therapists have nothing to offer with the exception of exercises. The report also stated that surgery was to be considered strictly as a last resort after manipulation and been tried first. Still the allopathic profession (M.D.) continues to do surgery and physical therapy first.

A “real” doctor’s goal is to prevent what he or she treats and prolong life.

Q: “You (pop/crack/crunch) backs, don’t you?”
A: I have no patience (or patients) with this one. I firmly respond with, “Do you refer to stomach surgery as ‘gut slitting,’ inoculations as ‘arm stabbing’ and prescription medications as ‘doping’ or ‘pill pushing’? Would you ask a brain surgeon if he (pop/crack/splits) skulls?” Of course, they answer “no,” and then I explain, “What I do is called ‘chiropractic adjustment,’ never a (pop/crack/crunch). I know there are those in other professions, not trained in the subtleties and finesse of the specific chiropractic adjustment, who may (pop/crack/crunch) spines, in an attempt to emulate what chiropractors do, but that is not a chiropractic adjustment. And they will never get the same result.

I then add, “Because of chiropractic’s tremendous success with so many medical failures, many M.D.s and P.T.s now take weekend courses in spinal manipulation. Mrs. Jones, how would you like for me to perform an appendectomy on you, after taking a weekend course? I’m sure I could manage, but...” The point is made.

Q: “My doctor says chiropractic is dangerous, is it?”
A: At this point, I give them a comparison of malpractice insurance rates. For example, “In Kentucky, orthopedic and neurosurgeons pay over $60,000 per year for malpractice insurance, while chiropractors pay about $1,100. Who do you think the insurance companies are betting on when it comes to safety?” (I sometimes rib medical acquaintances, when they complain about their malpractice rates, by telling them to stop the malpractice, and that if they really want to get rid of chiropractors, all they have to do is get the results we get!)

Q: “Why doesn’t the AMA approve of chiropractic?”
A: It does not apply. That is like asking Republicans why they do not approve of Democrats, or vice versa. You would not ask plumbers to approve of electricians or AT&T to approve of MCI. The same is true of medicine and chiropractic.

Q: “My doctor says I don’t need a chiropractor, do I?”
A: Please, that is like a dermatologist saying you do not need a cardiologist. How would a dermatologist know? We know that almost everything derogatory that is said about chiropractic was spawned by political medicine, but look at the scientific facts about medicine.

The U.S. Office of Technology Assessment says, “Only 15 percent of what goes on in medicine can be considered scientific.” The Mayo Clinic reports that “75 percent of their patients have iatrogenic disease (doctor caused).” And the World health Organization says that 80 percent of disease is caused by those who treat disease. Each day in the U.S. 290 people die from prescription medication. That’s one every 5 minutes. If medicine had not lied about chiropractic, we would not have to tell the truth about medicine. After almost 100 years of brazen chiropractic bashing by medical propagandist, a little chiropractic truth is long overdue.

Q: “Chiropractors do not go to college, do they?”
A: Those that specialize in biomechanics are mostly Ph.D.s in research and chiropractic doctors that apply the research to practice. The education of a Ph.D. in anatomy, physiology or biomechanics is generally understood by the public at large. However, the education level of the chiropractic physician is almost universally unknown.

The Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) has more education in biophysics and biomechanical engineering than any other profession. The modern day chiropractor surpasses his allopathic (M.D.) colleges in anatomy, physiology, diagnosis, neurology, radiology and of course biomechanics. The medical doctor has a total of 4248 hours compared to the chiropractic doctor’s education hours of approximately 4485. Both the M.D. and the D.C. attend fully accredited colleges and universities and must take rigid national and state board examinations for licensure in order to practice their respective sciences.

There are many that will read the paragraph above with disbelief. They may say, “I do not believe that; M.D.’s are far better education than the QUARPRACTORS,” mispronouncing chiropractors of course. It goes back to the old saying, “Don’t confuse me with the facts, I’ve already made up my mind.” The truth is D.C.’s are far more educated in musculoskeletal disorders than any other profession.


A medical orthopedic surgeon and professor of physiatry at eight American medical schools, John McMillian Mennell, M.D., testified, under oath, before the United States District Appellate Court, that medical physicians have almost no education in the musculoskeletal system. He stated that new residents at a hospital would have between “zero to four hours” on the subject.

Q: “Why so many visits?”

A: As a doctor of chiropractic, I am attempting to retrain and restructure the muscles and ligaments, thus restoring normal position and function to your spine. During this time we must maintain proper joint motion and function if the tissues are to heal at maximum strength.

A single bone out of place (subluxation) without significant disturbances will require about the same time as a sprained knee or ankle for complete healing and stability. However, multiple subluxations will take longer for maximum function. Further more, with additional complications of past or old injuries, surgeries, arthritis, compression, muscular contractions, muscular weakness, age, stress, short or long term physical abuse, the time and frequency of visits begin to increase into months or even a life time of care. Also, the longer the time after the onset of the VSC (subluxation) the greater the visit frequency and longer the time of recovery.

Q: “How do you know when I’m done?”
A: The frequency of care of visits is reduce when clinical test findings, instrumentation and x-ray findings indicate the vertebral subluxation complex (bones and pinching nerves) has been reduced, stabilized (holding) , or corrected.

Q: “Why should I believe in your philosophy of health care, i.e. chiropractic?”
A: A philosophic system is an integrated view of existence. As a human being, you have no choice about the fact that you need a philosophy. Your only choice is whether you define your philosophy by a conscious, rational, disciplined process of thought and logical deliberation – or let your subconscious accumulate unwarranted conclusions, false generalizations, doubts and fears thrown together by chance, but integrated by your subconscious into a kind of mongrel philosophy. In other words, it is impossible not to have a philosophy; however, it should be based in fact, not on invalid precepts or hearsay. BELIEF DOES NOT IMPLY TRUTH!

Case in point:

Who can deny that…

Chiropractic is the second largest healing profession in the world.
Chiropractic is licensed in all 50 states.
Chiropractic degree is recognized by the United State Office of Education
Chiropractic colleges are accredited nationally and regionally, the same as medical colleges.
Chiropractic is classified as one of the four major healing professions by the Office of the president, Bureau of Budgets, Washington, D.C.
Chiropractic college curriculum averages 4,485 hours as compared to medical school’s 3,700 to 4,200 hours.
Chiropractic doctors must pass stringent national and state boards before receiving a license to practice just as a medical doctor must do.
Chiropractic is recognized by major medical insurance companies.
Chiropractic is covered by worker’s compensation
Chiropractic is included in Medicare and Medicaid.
Chiropractic has been found to be “twice as effective” and “unequaled” for thousands of patients according to factual studies of worker’s compensation in 44 of the United States and Canada.
Chiropractic research has proven chiropractic effectiveness.
Chiropractic research by the medical profession has proven chiropractic effectiveness.
Chiropractic philosophy is gaining acceptance by the scientific community.
Chiropractic is gaining great support by the general populace worldwide.
Chiropractic is the fastest growing health profession in the country.
Chiropractic is concerned with health, not just disease.
Chiropractic has served kings, presidents, and potentates.
Chiropractic councils are members of the World Health Organization of the United Nations.
Chiropractic physicians are treating patients in under developed nations as humanitarian service.
Chiropractic doctors are experts when it comes to treating and diagnosing neuro-musculoskeletal disorders. U.S. Courts, Legislative members, patients and the scientific community agree that indeed chiropractors are the experts.
Chiropractic has been slandered by organized medicine for the purposes of power and greed (See article titled Education/Research available at the Spinal Rehabilitation Center) I hope you have read all the material in this article and now know the truth about chiropractic. I pray that it has been enlightening to you and that it will lead to enhance your life as well as your health.



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