TESTIMONIAL ~ Vera Wang here I come.
This is getting really bizarre. I'll try to make it brief.
I'm super underweight. I've been thin most of my life, and was considered anorexic from age 18 until around 25. At 26 I developed the courage to leave NYC, all of my friends, and the life I thought I'd cultivated - and opened my first business thousands of miles away from anyone I knew. I decided to leave the eating disorder at the door before I signed my first commercial lease. I swear to this. It worked. I stabilized around a weight of 113lbs for over ten years. I'm just shy of 5'8".
When I clearly had an eating disorder, my weight never went below 90lbs for some reason. My boobs were gone. Seriously - gone.
Forward to 2004/5. I was exposed to some very ugly stuff shortly after Katrina. I won't go into detail, it's not pretty.
I dropped weight quickly. Could not swallow. Not water - nothing. By January 2005 I was 95lbs (about 20
pounds of unintentional weight loss within 3 months' time) I found ways to get some form of nutrient in, so I did not starve to death. (Would force 5 or more Omega3/6/9's down my throat)
Back to my breasts. Definitely lost a lot of "whatever's in there" this time around. BUT this time around (severe weight loss - I now weigh in under 85lbs) I'm not trying to harm myself. Contraire. I'm much better than I was a year ago, but my weight is ridiculous and I still have serious respiratory tract issues caused by the demons I caught from rescued Katrina animals.
My wimpy 83lb body which had virtually no breasts to speak of (or write home about) 5 months ago (prior to
Lugols - it's the only new addition which can explain this) is different! I thought it was my imagination - but someone who sees me almost every day in very little attire (a neighbor, and because it's never below 85 here) asked me yesterday - "Did you get a boob job?" At that, a variety of reasons for a laugh. I was't even wearing a bra. She was right though. They ARE the way they were when I was 17. I have "volume" again.
All this time I didn't consider myself an FBD girl. Maybe I'm not - BUT...Batgirl is SO not making this stuff up.
My cup runneth over with astonishment. Both cups are full again, I'm happy to report.