trust me..unless he's spouting on about voices in his head or acting like a total loon..I doubt there is anything wrong with him.Theres even a nickname for it's not real depression,it's EMO lol
what's EMO?
a seemingly NEVERENDING self-loathing,self pittying,everything one would associate with being just completly down in the pitts..EMO
Sometimes short for 'Emo-tional' and often used to describe a certain style and persona.I know its sounds weird because of the generation gap and it might as well be an alien language from another plant..but it's's EMO!
I believe it's just a ploy to get attention passive aggressively and envoke a certain type of pitty upon them for..well..attention lol
Don't miss the warning signs of real trouble though,real out and try to talk to your kids as much as you can..genuinely and just let them know that you love them.They may not respond but they will appretiate it later on.Trust me, I was a troubled..very troubled youth (and still am sometimes!) I know how it feels to feel like the world is against you,some people grow out of angst..some people end up in prison...