Re: Life on the farm may not be so healthy
That isn't the farm's fault - that is the fault of irresponsible decisions and methods on the part of the farmer.
My aunt has a large amount of acreage that she has allowed some cattle farmers to raise cattle. There is only one herd of cows, they move around to different parts and eat grass... I was thinking they must be pretty good cows in a good condition, maybe a good choice to eat, etc. Well, she set me straight. She said the cow ranchers use tons of pesticides on the grass to kill the weeds, among other things, and that a lot of these cows have cancerous growths - and they weren't removing them from the herd but just leaving them there. She had to tell them to take CARE of their diseased cattle and get them OFF her land. She's into natural stuff and didn't/doesn't like it at all. I was pretty shocked about the scenario - there's more than meets the eye. I mean, these cows are uncrowded, roaming a large amount of land, eating grass, not crowded, locked up in a fence, eating newspapers and their own feces, etc. and yet they have a high percentage of cancer!