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And then again, maybe it is!
Vicki76543 Views: 1,373
Published: 11 y
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And then again, maybe it is!

I was born and raised on a farm, farm life is great. I was healthy up until about 25 yrs. ago until a doctor put me on statin drugs (Lipitor, Mevacore , and Zocor. From the first week I couldn't breath, I was left on these drugs cuz doc said I would die, I would have a hearth attack if I did not stay on them. Seven long years later, after hours and hours of research, I found all the many many side effects, including intrinsic lung disease, statins cause.
I wanted to tell my story of statins and severe, ILD, in hopes of helping others. I now have COPD, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, asthma (I had before statins)' 2 cancers (reports we're hid), cataracts,nerve and muscle disease.........anyway pay attention to your body, don't always listen to your doctors, they don't always know.
One more thing get your own blood, lab tests, neither one of my cancers were noticed by my doctor, the lab, blood tests said on them.... Chronic lympacitic. Leukemia (CLL) re-check mammogram, suspicious lump. My doctor did not say a word about either lab tests, I had cancers then. To not read or notice my lab, mammogram test is just inexcusable.


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