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Re: I really need some help!! Anyone out there?
hypatia Views: 1,481
Published: 18 y
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Re: I really need some help!! Anyone out there?

While I do not know exactly what you are going through, I empathize. I had endless health complications after a misdiagnosed postpartum toxemia with the birth of my second child. I had low adrenal and thyroid output, severe headaches and, when I did manage to have energy, I had mood swings. I tried going from doctro to doctor and when I was finally correctly diagnosed one year later, the expert stated it was too late to treat the original cause and I would have to wait the sede-effects out. My salvation was acupunture. It is not an instant fix but I felt a seignificant improvement the first time I went. One year later, I felt more myself and healthier. It has been two years now. I still have my two toddlers that keep me running but I am active, stable, and able to function without thinking I am crazy or have an undiagnosed terminal disease. I know the needles put many off but they do NOT hurt. It is an investment in time and money, neither of which are easy with two toddlers but it is well worth it to restore your health which it has done for me.


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